Friday, May 30, 2008

Sunday Event in Seattle

Date: Sunday, June 1st, 2-4 pm
Place: Westlake Park 401 Pine St. Seattle, WA
Against Violence in Tiananmen, Tibet and Elsewhere

As the Beijing Olympic comes closer, in 2008, the world is spotting human rights issues in China more than ever before. People in Beijing, in Tibet, in Xinjiang and elsewhere deserve non-violence and human rights!

The Government of China has long tried to erase the memory of the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre. We are going to preserve it, and against violence and military crackdown in Tiananmen Square and elsewhere.

During the spring of 1989, the people of China gathered at the Tiananmen Square to appeal democracy in a peaceful movement. The government responded with Tanks, assault rifles, and bayonets in the streets of Beijing, taking the lives of the civilians stunned with the sudden riot. The hopes of the people of China for freedom and justice were devastated.

Sponsors and Co-sponsors

Amnesty International Puget Sound
Federation for a Democratic China, Seattle Chapter
Global Alliance for Democracy and PeaceAlliance for a Democratic China, Seattle Chapter
Release Dr. Wang Bing Zhang Foundation
China Social Democratic Party, Seattle Chapter
Alliance of Forcibly Evicted Property-Owners in Mainland China
China Democratic Party (Overseas), Seattle Chapter
King County Human Rights Commission
Society of Peaceful Transform for Democratic China
Support Dr. Yang JianLi Citizen Walk WA Group

Contact: (206) 829-8972 email:

Federation for a Democratic China
Tiananmen Massacre Record (pictures and videos)
China Social Democratic Party
Amnesty Democratic China (Oversease headquarter)
Amnesty International

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